Sunday, December 12, 2010

The ass or the pig??????

It was around the 4th month of pregnancy I guess, I found this Winnie the Pooh cap and bootie set at the Disney store. It had one set in blue-grey for a boy (the donkey) and one in pink for a girl (the piggy or piglet I suppose). I knew Aarthi was having a boy and I was going to meet her in CA the coming month but I wasn't sure about mine yet. Soon we found out it was a girl and it worked out fine for me to keep the pink one for Vrishti and gift the blue one for Ashwin!

I love posing. Can I do this for a living?!

She wore her pinky piggy cap and carried a piglet doll to pose for the photographer at the hospital on her second day. Even on this day, after 2 months its hard to believe I have a baby!

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